Support for Installing Homebrew Python on OS X

The goal is to install Python on OS X. Ask yourself the following questions to troubleshoot the Python installation.

Since Homebrew operation is a more advanced topic to begin with, we assume you know how to use a terminal and run commands.

Does homebrew work?

What happens when you run brew doctor?

Read online about Homebrew doctor.

Can you become admin?

When you type su admin into the Terminal, you can become the administrator.

Read online about how to become Administrator.

Can you install python?

What happens when you install python?

> brew install python --universal --framework

Can you run python?

Type python --version into the Terminal prompt and press Enter. If Python is installed, it will tell you what version is running. It should look something like this:

> python --version
Python 3.6.3

If you cannot run python --version, then Python is not correctly installed. Read about fixing broken Python installations.

Can you run pip?

Type pip --version into Terminal and press Enter. If pip is installed, it will tell you what version is running. It should look something like this:

> pip --version
pip 9.0.1 from /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages (python 3.6)

Did you answer “yes” to all these questions?

  1. Does homebrew work?
  2. Can you become admin?
  3. Can you install Python?
  4. Can you run python?
  5. Can you run pip?

No Yes